不是我做的调查,原文在SMASHING MAGAZINE上: A Small Design Study Of Big Blogs, and the Further Findings. 原文很长,每个调查结论都有相对比较详细的说明。虽然S.M自称为小调查,但样本Blog挑选的是”50 popular blogs according to Technorati’s Top 100″,调查涉及”布局”、“感观”、“结构”、“页面广告”以及“web2.0功能”几个方面,份量十足,远比“据调查”的报告来得严谨。
- large blogs require a multi-column layout solution (usually 3 columns suffice) (58%);//内容丰富的blog中有58%采用多栏布局,一般来说三栏足够
- layouts are usually centered (94%),//94%采用居中布局
- layouts usually have a fixed width (px-based) (92%),//92%采用基于像素的固定宽度布局,其中有56%的宽度范围在951~1000像素之间
- the width of the fixed layout varies between 951 and 1000px (56%),
- 58% of the overall site layout is used to display the main content,//全部布局的58%(应该是平均数)用来显示主要内容(可能是广告太多了)
- CSS-layouts are used (90%),//90%采用CSS布局
- the background is light, the body text is dark (98%),//98%采用亮色背景,深色文字;
- the most usual (not necessarily most user-friendly) line length lies between 80 and 100 characters,//每行常见的(英文)字符数在80到100之间(不一定最符合用户友好原则)
- Verdana, Lucida Grande, Arial and Georgia are used for body text (90%),//90%样本blog的正文字体都采用了Verdana, Lucida Grande, Arial and Georgia(频次应该是由高到低,可怜汉字字体就那么几种)
- the font size of body text varies between 12 and 14px (78%),//78%样本blog的正文字体大小在12到14像素之间
- Arial and Georgia are used for headlines (52%),//78%样本blog的标题采用了Arial and Georgia字体
- headlines have the font size between 17 and 25px.//标题字体大小在17~25像素之间
这是Further Findings的结论:
- usually right-hand side vertical (58%) and top horizontal navigation (52%) are used;//58%采用右侧垂直样式的导航条,52%采用顶部水平样式的导航条(还有两者均使用的)
- the start page presents excerpts of 10-20 posts (62%),//62%的首页显示了10~20篇posts的摘要
- related and popular posts are displayed on every second top blog (50%),//50%的样本blog都显示了相关posts和受欢迎posts
- footer contains copyright information (90%), links to about-page (40%) and link to contact information (30%),//90%的页脚包含版权信息,40%链接到了“关于”页面,30%链接了“联系方式”
- on average popular blogs have 5,84 advertising blocks per start page,//首页平均有5.84个广告块儿
- on average popular blogs have 5,96 advertising blocks per article page,//每个文章页面平均有5.96个广告块儿
- articles often contain no ads (76%),//76%样本blog的文章中不含有广告
- layouts usually contain ads on the right-hand side (88%),//88%的页面布局把广告放置于右侧
- social icons are often placed under the post (54%),//54%的post下方带有社会化网络应用标签
- RSS-buttons are displayed in the above area of the layout (66%),//66%的RSS按钮在页面布局的上方显示
- “standard” RSS-icons are used more often than text links (66%),//66%使用了RSS图标而不是(RSS)文字链接
- most publishers use one main RSS-feed instead of multiple feeds (64%),//64%使用了单一的RSS-feed,而不是多个feeds
- tag clouds are not used (90%),//90%都没有使用标签云
- pagination is used rarely (22%),//很少使用(只有22%)分页导航(显示页码)
- search box in the right upper corner of the site layout (62%),//62%的搜索框放置在页面右上角
- 96% of top blogs are not standard-conform.//96%的页面不符合VHTML标准!
对于时不时手痒想修改theme的我来说,这些调查结果就是一个标准的改进指南,虽然只能远观TOP 100,最起码可以在外观上靠近一下——所谓山寨版Top Blog是也~而且,尤其让我欣慰的是最后一条调查结果:96% of top blogs are not standard-conform,获得相当大的心理平衡,甚至开始怀疑起这个不熟悉的标准来……